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New Systems

The introduction of entirely new systems, as well as improvements to existing ones, will serve to bring a deeper level of immersion and enjoyment to your adventures. Expand your horizons even further by delving into new jobs and new player races!

Changes to the Battle System

With the addition of new jobs and the level cap increase, the battle system will evolve as well. Not only will there be new elements to gameplay, but existing actions will be re-evaluated on their functionality, and adjustments will be made for a more intense battle experience.

Trust System

In Shadowbringers, players will have the opportunity to challenge dungeons with a party of trusted non-player characters, including various Scions of the Seventh Dawn—though the traditional party matching systems will of course remain intact.

Additional Updates

  • New Game+

    New Game+ This brand-new system will allow for replay of previously completed quests while retaining one's current progression and job level.

  • Increased Level Cap

    Increased Level Cap The level cap will be raised to 80 with the release of Shadowbringers. With this will come new actions for classes and jobs—as well as new foes on which to hone your skills.

  • New Gear and Crafting Recipes

    New Gear and Crafting Recipes With new adventures come new opportunities, so expect a plethora of new recipes to craft and resources for the taking.